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      Title: How to Make Delicious Steamed Buns with Baking Powder? (Video Tutorial)


      Steamed buns, as one of Chinas traditional foods, have always been loved by people. To make soft and delicious steamed buns, you need to choose high-quality flour and baking powder. This article will introduce how to make baking powder for steamed buns, hoping to help friends who want to make delicious steamed buns.

      Main Idea:

      1. Choose baking powder

      First, we need to choose a high-quality baking powder. Generally speaking, there are many types of baking powders on the market, and prices vary. When choosing, we can choose a well-known brand, good reputation, and cost-effective baking powder. In addition, pay attention to the shelf life of the baking powder. Choosing fresh products can ensure baking effects.

      2. Making baking powder

      When making baking powder, we need to prepare baking soda and cream of tartar. The specific operation is as follows:

      Mix baking soda and cream of tartar in a 1:2 ratio;

      The mixed material will undergo a chemical reaction, generating white foam, which is the process of making baking powder;

      Store the prepared baking powder in a dry container, which can be stored and used for a long time.

      3. Making delicious steamed buns

      With high-quality baking powder, we can start making soft and fragrant steamed buns. The steps are as follows:

      Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together;

      Gradually add warm water and stir into dough;

      Knead the dough until smooth, soft, and elastic, and let it rest for 20-30 minutes;

      Knead the dough again and release the gas bubbles;

      Divide the dough into equal parts, make shapes, and steam them in a steamer.

      4. Pay attention to details

      In addition to using high-quality flour and baking powder, you also need to pay attention to the following points during the manufacturing process:

      Use warm water instead of cold water, which makes the dough easier to knead and achieve better fermentation;

      Pay attention to the strength when kneading the dough. Over-kneading will cause the gluten to harden excessively, affecting the taste;

      When fermenting the dough, place it in a warm and cool place to increase fermentation effects;

      When steaming the buns, turn up the heat and keep the steam sufficient. The steaming time should not be too long, otherwise it will deteriorate.


      To make soft and delicious steamed buns, choosing high-quality baking powder is one of the keys. In the manufacturing process, you also need to pay attention to details and grasp the fermentation time and steaming time of the dough, in order to make delicious steamed buns.
